Thursday, 25 October 2007

*Land Of Talk - Applause Cheer Boo Hiss (Album)

Land of Talk – Applause Cheer Boo Hiss (Hart Media/Maple Music)

Canada. I cannot stop singing its praises. I think people are starting to get sick of it. However, until I am handed something awful from Canada, the praise will continue. The latest quality import to hit our shores, Land of Talk, have arrived with a fistful of brilliant songs. The songs carry with them an assumed musical intelligence, but manage to do this without, in any way, being beyond reach of whoever might choose to listen. The album is full of potential cult hits. Particular highlights being; Summer Special, Magnetic Hill, All My Friends and Sea Foam. The lead singer, Elizabeth Powell, simply has “one of those voices” magnetic and intriguing whilst retaining an air of mystery. Throughout the album her vocals switch on songs, some settling you in comfortably, others, haunting your ears. Occasionally carrying qualities reminiscent of other females (Merrick, Mazzy Star) on tracks, ‘Summer Special’ and ‘Magnetic Hill’ the band can move over to darker, moodier and more wistful territory with ease as heard on, ‘Street Wheels’ and ‘Sea Foam’. It is this variation of sound that makes the album so refreshing. On the fantastic, punk-inspired ‘All My Friends’ she hollers, “Fucking around, pretending there’s a problem, figure it out….hustling leaves me white-hot, blue in the face, eyes blood shot” their genre description of "Anti Folk Basement Rock" feels particularly fitting after that song. So it seems whatever you’re into there is something on offer from Land of Talk; whether it’s drifting melodies, hazy vocals or some good old “Anti-folk basement rock” they have it all on offer for only $9.99 (okay that part is a lie, I’m not sure exactly how much the disc costs but any self respecting music retailer should be able to tell you).


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