Remi Nicole - My Conscience and I (Cool Delta)
The album opens with, 'Go With The Flow' and an unfortunately irritating over the top London accent. This seems to be a trend at the moment, but Remi is just arriving that little bit too late; it just feels tired now, where are all the females who are going to be offering something new? A bigger frustration though is that when it's the 'LDN' style of singing it's near impossible to tell if the artist actually has a good voice. A lot of the songs on 'My Conscience And I' seem to follow the same formula; none of them are offensive, or particularly bad, but very few song on the album are special enough in music or lyric, to stand out from everything else that's around at the moment.
First single 'Rock 'n' Roll' single is highlight, 'Tabloid Queen' sounds like the beginning of a Jack Penate song, but then as soon as she starts to sing about Heat Magazine, it all gets a bit embarassing. You get the feeling someone has put a lot of effort in to making Remi Nicole appear 'cool' when instead this intense pushing of current culture actually rubs off in a negative way. 'Fed Up' and 'Right Side Of Me' are more stripped down songs and suit her much better, it feels more comfortable - like she isn't trying so hard to be relevant. As a whole though the album just seems too simple, it's followed a pop formula and slung a guitar on the singer to make it feel a bit indie, but it ends up just feeling like some odd 'tween rock/pop' sent to give mothers someone their child can safely listen to.
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