Monday, 14 January 2008

*New Kids On The Block - Part 10 (The Jealous Girlfriends)

We've already confessed our love for The Jealous Girlfriends, now is the time to find out a little more about them..

Please, for the record, state:

1. i) Name and Current residing/Music making location?
Holly Miranda, The Jealous Girlfriends, Brooklyn, NY

ii) Please share a fun fact about you (Music related or otherwise)
Fun Facts About Me: I put hot sauce on everything. I am deeply drawn to neon green.

2. A little summary of your sound? Any artist comparisons to help people fit you into their mental record collection?
We are all over the map as far as comparisons and genre classifications go. Between the four of us our influences are pretty extensive, but I would hope that we put our own sauce on it. Making the songs our own and changing the definition of what that is everytime we play it and learning more about the songs.
So I would rather let the listener hear what they want and connect with what they hear, rather than me telling them what to find...but yeah basically its yacht rock.

3. What was the first ever concert you attended? (Preferably no lies, even if it's embarrassing, my first was The Spice Girls so no judgement here)
My first concert was probably a concert at some guy juggling basketballs and singing 'I believe I can fly'. A Harlem Globetrotter who found Jesus that came to perform at a "Friday Night Special Service". But if you mean a proper 'rock' show, it was Brian Adams. He played at the Palace of Auburn Hills; I was ten in a stadium full of forty year old women going crazy for "Yeah I would die for you". It wasn't that great of a time. The first concert I ever attended by choice was Maceo Parker, which was rad.

4. Which artist/band would be a dream collaboration for you?
I am having my dream collaboration come true as I type this. Dave Sitek and Katrina Ford are producing my solo record. If you don't know who they are... run to google. We are in Brooklyn recording till the end of January... this record is gonna be bananas!

5. Where can we find/hear/buy your angelic music? and

p.s. The Jealous Girlfriends hit the road with Kevin Devine following our Jan 19th show with him at Bowery Ballroom in New York. East coast and Southern/Midwest US shows.. come say hi.

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